I might consider changing the water pump this year. The car runs like a top otherwise and still gets about 26mpg on long highway driving. We've replaced the heater core twice and it still doesn't produce heat or defrost very well. Unlike many models that use this type of module, you can easily disconnect the fuel pump and replace it rather than replace the entire module. 4:Remove the return line by unscrewing the tiny bolts that secure the clamps at the pump. The fuel pump for the 1998 Ford Taurus is part of a module that's inside the fuel tank and includes the fuel sending unit. 3:remove the power steering sending line by loosening the smaller nut until the line comes free.
#98 ford taurus fuel pump problems free
This will free up some space to get your hands in. We flush the coolent annually and even with 135,000+ miles it still comes out brownish. 33 Fuel Pump problem of the 1998 Ford Taurus Failure Date: While driving at 25 to 30 mph vehicle suddenly died, could have been rear ended by another driver. 2:Remove the pump's cap, and push the wiring on the right side to the left side of the fill hole for the pump. Oh, two weeks after we got the car back the overflow bottle split. /rebates/&.com252fmmparts252ffuelpump252fford252ftaurus.html26afsrc3d126SID3d&idpartsgeek&nameParts+Geek&ra0. The mechanic thought that the casting sand hadn't been properly flushed. The coolent that was left in the block was brown and gritty. The mechanic that we took it to showed us our water pump that looked very much like the picture you posted and told us that the frost plugs had basically rotted from the inside out (which was why the coolent ended up on the ground) 2,000 miles out of warrenty and we had to replace the water pump, heater core, frost plugs, all the hoses and have the heads planed due to high heat even though the temp guage never showed a hot condition.

My wife and I went to a Christmas party and when we came back to the car all of the coolent was on the ground. Re: 98 Ford Taurus Water Pump Problem The most likely cause for the water pump impeller to fail is due to cavitation which is air bubbles forming on the suction side then collapsing on the pressure side causing erosion.

The car never did produce heat very well, even when new. I own a '99 Taurus and the cooling sytem failed at 38,000 miles.